Electronic Semester Blog

This is my blog for my semester notes for Interactive Art 2:Electronic Arts.

View the Project on GitHub ashtonellis/electronicblog

Week 6 Notes

February 13th Class Notes

TCI - multifunction tester

Flipper Zero - multitool for hackers

Lab Questions

Arduino Code

Github Copilot - not useful for us right now, you write a comment of what you want the code to do and it will write the code for you Arduino is not capable of concurrency

P5JS Code

IncomingSerialData[#] - reads data after it has been converted to a list, # is the place in list starting at 0, you need to know which value corresponds to which input

Adding other Languages to Markdown

‘’’ language

mermaid language allows creation of diagrams and charts

will need a mermaid preview extension –> Markdown Preview Mermaid Support

Multimeter Functions

7805 - voltage regulator, has a limit to how much it can disipate

benchtop power supply - can change voltage and current, tells current on screen

inductive load - electromagnet, motor, speaker

LM386 - low voltage audio power amplifier
HiLetGo - amazon components

February 15th Class Notes

ultrasonic sensor tip - to avoid outlier outputs, can tell to ingore outputs that are drastically different than previous output

for electronic parts:

DIP - dual inline pin
the chips on our boards are in a socket, not soldered directly to the board

Soldering Tips:

Tin Whiskers
Rory Sparks

Midterm Notes

particle systems - maybe smoke or sparks ?
api - application programming interface, systems talking to eachother