Week 5 Notes
February 6th Class Notes
Markdown Table Pretifier - VSC Extension, auto formats tables to make easier to read
Putting a Video in Markdown -
- link to video site
- short videos made into animated gif
- WedM - video file playable in HTML < video > tag
VS Code
- Build clean essentially cleard build queue
- Ctrl + Alt + P - search panel for all commands
- Can add parenthesis to math equation to make equation easier to read and make sure it is done in the correct order
- When building, terminal tells percentage of storage code uses on chip
P5JS Intro
In Sketch:
- setup runs once when page loads
- draw runs as many times per second as possible
- usually 60 times per second
- console.log (variable) - prints variable in console of browser
- access console with Ctrl + Shft + J
Hooking P5JS To Arduino
- add library p5.webserial.js
- add serialfunctions.js
- all code can be in js
- seperate files make it easier to read
Other Notes
- inData - incoming data as a number (variable)
- P5JS Webserial template available on github
- if you have multiple incomming data, use an array
- incomingSerialData[#] - number in list of target data array
- Examples of P5JS
Makey Makey - an aurdiono that can pretend it is a keyboard
February 7th Sensor Changes Lab Notes
Joystick - two potentiometers for x and y axis and a pushbutton switch
Connecting Joystick to Arduino
Joystick |
Arduino |
5v on joystick |
5v on arduino |
GND on joystick |
GND on arduino |
VRx on joystick |
analog input A0 on arduino |
VRy on joystick |
anaolog input A1 on arduino |
SW on joystick |
digital input 3 on arduino |
VRx - variable resistor, x-axis
VRy - variable resistory, y-axis
input_pullup - prevents the pin from floating and giving inconsitent high/low readings
February 8th Class Notes
On circut board - Q = transistor
stages- grouped components on a circut board that are related
our resistors are 1/4 watt
capacitors store charge
ac syncronous motor - microwaves
- uses ac power, can be plugged into wall
- dc moters will move opposite direction of leads are switched
continuity multi meter function - finds ground
input_pullup - adds resistor to prevent short in flating switch
debounce button - use software
surpluscenter.com - where we can buy larger components
VIN and GND pin on arduino do not go throught the voltage regulator
Power Supply Notations
On wall Plugs:
- DC out - how many volts? (#V) and what current can it supply (#A or #mA)
- type of plug charge
- switching power supply - turning on and off very quickly, regulated, has electronics, is also called a chopper
- Linear power supply - non-regulated, puts our more voltage than labeled, assmuming that the voltage will change depending on what is plugged in, only has transformer (no other electronics)