Electronic Semester Blog

This is my blog for my semester notes for Interactive Art 2:Electronic Arts.

View the Project on GitHub ashtonellis/electronicblog

Week 5 Notes

February 6th Class Notes

Markdown Table Pretifier - VSC Extension, auto formats tables to make easier to read
Putting a Video in Markdown -

VS Code

P5JS Intro

p5js breakdown

In Sketch:

Hooking P5JS To Arduino


Other Notes

Makey Makey - an aurdiono that can pretend it is a keyboard

February 7th Sensor Changes Lab Notes

Joystick - two potentiometers for x and y axis and a pushbutton switch

Connecting Joystick to Arduino

Joystick Arduino
5v on joystick 5v on arduino
GND on joystick GND on arduino
VRx on joystick analog input A0 on arduino
VRy on joystick anaolog input A1 on arduino
SW on joystick digital input 3 on arduino

VRx - variable resistor, x-axis
VRy - variable resistory, y-axis
input_pullup - prevents the pin from floating and giving inconsitent high/low readings

February 8th Class Notes

On circut board - Q = transistor
stages- grouped components on a circut board that are related
our resistors are 1/4 watt
capacitors store charge
ac syncronous motor - microwaves

continuity multi meter function - finds ground
input_pullup - adds resistor to prevent short in flating switch
debounce button - use software

surpluscenter.com - where we can buy larger components
VIN and GND pin on arduino do not go throught the voltage regulator

Power Supply Notations

On wall Plugs: