Week 4 Notes
February 2nd Class Notes
How to get what you want
UUID - long enough number that it won’t be reproduced
NFC - near field communication, stores data
In Visual Studio Code
- right click -> go to definition
- explains a line of code and what is needed
- liquidcrystal is an object variable
- has properties and methods
- properties are attributes
- methods are what it can do
OOP/OOM - object oriented programming/method
dht11 - our humidity/temperature sensor
- has power, group and signal pins
ultrasonic sensor - has power, ground, signal and echo pins
SPI - serial periferal interface
- sck - clock
- miso - input
- mosi - output
Buying Components
- qwiic - sparkfun connector, allows i2c connection to sparkfun arduino
- seeed studio - similar to qwiic, but exclusive to grove
- mouser.com or digikey - where to buy components
- our chip - atmega328p
- if sorting by price, all add quanitiy
- every component has a data sheet
What is in a data sheet
- absolute maximum voltage - not what we want to use all the time, max without shorting
- typical voltage
- order code table
- mechanical diagrams/dimensions - picture used may not be what shows up, make sure this is what you want
- part number breakdown - lists what each letter/number in part number means
Programs for Modeling Circut Boards
- Fusion 360 (eagle)
- Diptrace
- need gerber files to create board
- our machines need g-code files to mill boards (CnC machines)
a joystick is essentially 2 potentiameters and a button
limit switch indicated location 0 on both ends of a moving track