Electronic Semester Blog

This is my blog for my semester notes for Interactive Art 2:Electronic Arts.

View the Project on GitHub ashtonellis/electronicblog

Week 3 Notes

January 20th Lab Notes

First try- LED came on with button, would not turn off

Off button stopped working again

Took out wiring connected to off button and rewired it

January 23rd Class Notes

wiring in series - putting components in a single, unbroken chain

wiring in parallel - putting compontents in two chains that connect into one chain on either end

open circut short circut Short Circut - when comething is connecting the positive and negative battery terminal. causes current to rush out and voltage to drop

delay in programming prevents other inputs from being read

pin 13 - onboard LED
pin 1 - tx
pin 0 - rx
pins with ~ - PWM


Storing Data

letters translate to numbers in ASCII

bit - 1/0, binary-base 2


byte’s data range is 0 - 255

data is stored in a variable

data types:




chip can do addition, subtraction and multiplication

in code variables - type name value(optional, default 0)

void - function that does not return anything

Variable Scope

global scope - variable outside of a function, can be used in any function
local scope - variable within a function, can only be used within the function it is defined in

boolean expression:

conditional statement - if statement, uses boolean expressions

variables must be defined before they are used
functions must be defined before they are used
add const in front of variable, makes variable never changing

check to see if 1 second has passed since last blink

unsinged long previousTimeStamp = 0;

int ledState = LOW;

long interval = 1000;

void loop() {

unsigned long currentTimeStamp = millis();

if (currentTimeStamp - previousTimeStamp >= interval) {
    if (ledstate == LOW) {
        ledstate = HIGH;
    } else {
        ledstate = LOW;
    previousTimeStamp = currentTimeStamp;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,ledstate); }

January 25th Class Notes

Serial Communication:

serial monitor - shows data coming from micro controller


sparkfun/adafruit - sensors
pololu/hobby town usa - motors/robotics
FFT - Fast Fourier Transform, filters out certain frequencies
Load Cell - determines weight, needs an amplifier


Circut Board Components

boards are layered - copper / paper or fiberglass / copper

pot - potentiometer

Soldering process

each solder has a specific heating curve
thickness of wires are measured in guage

Solid vs Stranded wire

tinning - coating stranded wire in solder to allow for use in breadboard


we use leaded solder, make sure to be careful of fumes
put a blob of solder on the tip of the wand to help transfer heat
put heat shrink tubing on wire before soldering wires together