Electronic Semester Blog

This is my blog for my semester notes for Interactive Art 2:Electronic Arts.

View the Project on GitHub ashtonellis/electronicblog

Week 2 Notes

January 17th Homework Notes

Basics of Electricity

Two Types of Electricity:

AC: alternating current

DC: direct current

Ohm’s Law: V = I x R (volts = current x resistance)

Power Triangle: P / I x E (power(watts) / resistance x volts)

Multimeter can meaure volts, current and resistance

How a Breadboard Works

Flashlight Circut


When connceting positive battery, always connect last to avoid short circuting the board

Schematics and Diagrams

Has various symbols for each part

schematic example

Components in a Flashlight Circut



Lab 1

Too many volts can burn out a compontent

Lab 2

Voltage divider = resistors on group and volt end to change coltage recieved


Patentiameter = variable ohms nob

Vout = Vin x (R2 / R1 + R2)

January 18th Class Notes

IDE = Intergrade Development Environment

Platform.IO - includes a library for Arduino (requires “#include " command)

Micro controller board - Arduino UNO

GPIO = General Purpose Input and Output

Digital Vs Analog

Input Examples

Output Examples

.cpp extension = c++ file

void setup(){} = code run once

void loop(){} = code run repeatedly

put pin input/output modes in setup

turn light on