Electronic Semester Blog

This is my blog for my semester notes for Interactive Art 2:Electronic Arts.

View the Project on GitHub ashtonellis/electronicblog

Week 12 Notes

March 27th Class Notes

Ground is default starting point for measuring voltage, etc.

Why add mechanisms of our own?

  1. Change the kind of motion
  2. Translating the location of movement
  3. Change the speed/power of the motor
    1. slower = stronger, faster = weaker

6 Simple Machines

Changing the kind of motion:
Making Things Move - Dustyn Roberts
Cabaret Mechanical Movement
Contemporary Automata
Cam Diagram
Cam follow may need a spring or other method to keep it riding along the cam

Translating the location of movement:
Direct Drive- gears and chains
Friction Drive - pulleys and belts
Straight Pulley
Crossed Pulley
Pulley with idler

Changing the speed/power of a motor:
planetary gear- has teeth inside, much greater change in speed
spur gear- traditional gear, has teeth outside
gear ratio
Fly Wheel- creates momentum, smooths out movemet, large/heavy gear and pulley

March 29th Class Notes

No Class