Electronic Semester Blog

This is my blog for my semester notes for Interactive Art 2:Electronic Arts.

View the Project on GitHub ashtonellis/electronicblog

Final Project Updates

March 20th

Final Project Ideas

Create jellyfish (crochet) and either suspend from ceiling or create some sort of stand
have varying levels of movement based on inputs (buttons, switches, dials, rfid)
movements: move faster, change direction

Idea 1

Create a solar system (also crochet?)
inputs (rfid, button, dial, switch) spawn both movement and audio output that bring attention to and facts about different planets
maybe moves on track?

Idea 2

April 5th

Sketch 1

What if….?

6 jellyfish in 3 colors
3 motors - each connect to 2 jellyfish
each motor moves for 30 seconds per trigger
etcentric cams ? pear shaped ?

Sketch 2

Sketch 3

need layers of interaction -

buttons start movement of each set

maybe need another axis of movement (idk how to do that)

possibly use light switches
different combinations of switches create different motion (speed, which move, etc)

April 19th update

created mostly working prototype that works without power
still need to cut gears to attach to motors/dowels
the arduino can power 20mA per pin and 100mA for the whole board
if adding capacitors, use .01-.1 uf capacitors
seperate power supply for motors (3-6V) making sure to connect grounds
ordered all parts, waiting on motors to arrive

April 21st update

recieved L293D motor driver shield

Information on shield:

Apriil 22nd Update

Finally got motors in. Soldered wires to the motors, as well as soldered wires to the analog pinouts on the shield board to connect buttons to.
LOTS and LOTS of trial and error and testing for code, but finally have buttons working (mostly) to turn on/off each motor.
Link to Motor Code
Photos of wiring (for reference, hopefully will be cleaned up for final presentation):

Photos of Physical Component (still prototyped, needs cleanup and some more parts for finishing):